
Direct Contact
The study receives from Monday to Friday:
09,00 - 13,00
14,00 - 19,00
on Saturday for appointment only

Tel./fax +39 06 7835 9593
Cell. +39 392 58 25 347


The Team
 Dr Enrico Generali
 Dr Dario Severino
 Dr Roberto Santin
 Dr Fabiana Ballanti

Saniplan (Boccasana Programme)
Presidenza Consiglio Dei Ministri
Azienda AMICA
Ag.Italiana del Farmaco
CRAL Croce Rossa Italiana

Oral hygiene and prevention
Oral hygiene is very important for our dental health. It allows us to avoid the most common dental diseases and it makes possible the odontoiatric cares last longer. So it is clear that the dental hygienist is a significant figure for dental and periodontal hygienic preservation. Moreover he teaches patients all the techniques to avoid future failures of previous periodontal and odontological therapies.

In the current society aesthetic has acquired a so important role in dentistry that the demand by patients for aesthetic performances is increasingly widespread. In the recent years American researchers have found that the technique using Carbonide Peroxide is harmless for teeth enamel. This substance is a gel that can release oxygen. It gets inside the teeth, whitening them. It is applied through transparent plastic masks modelled on teeth. Patients shall put them on their teeth for 5 or 6 days (3 hours a day). The final result is great, even if it could be necessary to repeat the treatment when there are stains or special colours.

It is the branch that studies the development and growth of dento-maxillo-facial apparatus from birth to maturity. Its aim is to achieve a proper occlusion and a good look, taking a particular care of teeth alignment. Both mobile devices (that require the complete cooperation from the patient ) and fixed devices, called brackets ( made up of metal or porcelain), applied on each tooth, are useful to care different types of badocclusion. Each treatment lasts from 12 to 24 months.

It is based on the minimal concept to care a tooth. In fact only the carious tissue is removed and it is replaced by a composite material of the same colour of natural teeth. In recent years composite materials have definitively replaced amalgams, considered carcinogenic because of mercury inside. Cavities are classified in 5 classes, according to Black:

  • 1st class: cavities affecting grooves and pits of premolars and molars occlusal surfaces and affecting molars buccal and lingual holes and canines and incisive dimples.
  • 2nd class: cavities of interproximal premolars and molars surface.
  • 3rd class: cavities of interproximal incisors and canines surface, that do not involve the incisal angle.
  • 4th class: cavities of interproximal incisors and canines surface involving the incisal angle.
  • 5th class: cavities of the third gingival involving the buccal and lingual surface of all teeth.

Devitalisation is a necessary treatment to eliminate or prevent a tooth pulp infection (tissue that is inside each tooth). Thank to this action the dentist can save the tooth avoiding extraction. In recent years this method has been innovated and today it is more secure and entrusted. Our “Center” uses recent (modern) techniques and equipment and materials of last generation.

It is the branch of dentistry that deals with the replacement of missing teeth through implants to replace a single tooth, or as pillars for fixed bridges or as anchor to fix mobile prosthesis. The most used dental implants are made of titanium screws inserted into the lower or upper jaw, instead of the missing teeth. The bony tissue binds to implant closely through a process called “osteointegrazione”, that will make the implant a support for the prosthesis.
Diagnosis: you can replace one or more missing teeth through the implantologic substitutions only if you have a sufficient quantify of bony tissue, you are healthy and you have healthy gums. Your dentist will value if the implants suit your situation through a medical examination, radiographs, study models and a dental-scan.
Treatment: implants are inserted through a small surgical procedure, performed under local anesthesia in the dental center. The most popular technique consists in an incision on the gum that creates a hole in the bone where to place the implant. After a period ( from 3 to 6 months) radiographic examinations will be performed to check the good integration of the implant, after that the print will be taken and all the connected operations will be carried on.

Fixed and mobile prosthesis
The fixed prosthesis allows the reconstruction of the damaged or missing natural teeth through prosthesis called “ crown” or “bridges”. It is cemented to own teeth. The most used materials are gold-ceramic, legavile-ceramic, composite zirconia and disilicate (the later two are very closed to the natural colour of the teeth). The mobile prosthesis is indicate for the substitution of one or more missing teeth. It can be removed from the oral cavity. In the case of presence of some teeth, the prosthesis can be more fixed through attacks or hooks.

Metal-free fixed prosthesis
It is a fixed prosthesis made without metal. It is the best choice for patients who have allergies for metal in general. In fact its composition is only ceramic. It is recommended especially in the anterior areas, where a better and durable aesthetic is required.

Zirconia fixed prosthesis
Zirconia is a good alternative to the traditional metal-ceramic and it is a very ductile and versatile material. It is especially indicated in the posterior areas and in the reconstruction of single elements, because its hardness together with an excellent aesthetics make it an absolute safe material.

Inlay is a special restoration to preserve the remaining healthy tooth structure and to rebuild wide parts of the tooth. It reaches excellent aesthetic and functional results and it is a viable alternative to fillings. Inlays can be made both of ceramic and resin.

Porcelain veneers
Veneers are thin shells made of ceramic or resin of the some colour of the natural teeth. They are cemented on the front teeth. They are like the natural teeth and they maintain the initial colour and gloss in the following years.

Via della Caffarelletta 4, 00179 Roma- Piva.05453221003
tel./fax 06 78 35 95 93 - cell. 392 58 25 347 mail: info@centropolispecialisticoappio.it